Vertigo and OFOTCN notes

The most colourful film made up until that point.
Loved the glamour of San Francisco and wanted to film a murder mystery there.
Story originated from book De entre le more.
Carlotta portrait of original actress Vera Miles of Madeline. She became pregnant before filming.
wanted Scotty and audience to play detectives together .
Vertigo effect film sideways zoom in and move camera back to make audience feel same as scotty.
Scotty reflects American males - traumatised and confused as to the power of women.
The females are presented as love interests.
New cinematography. Powerful use of colours to create emotions and feelings such as being overpowered or in a trance.
Hitchcock uses slow pacing to build suspense. Huge build ups.

One flew over the cuckoos nest
1959 CIA experiments with LSD on people to make them insane for the sake of interrogation.
1962 novel. then made into play.
Czech director Foreman shows the communist regime he lived in through the film.
Filmed in real hospital. Cast interacted with real mentally ill people in hospital.
Few initially famous stars to make the characters  feel more real.

Opens with removal of a man from natural world and closes with an escape to it.

Manipulative females. Sex obsessed fearful men who are under the women's spell always.
Long cuts and zooms into Nurse Ratchett - always centre screen. Essence of power and control.
Bright dull colours used in the hospital but strong colour used outside.
Actor Michael Douglas and independent producer Saul Zaentz sent him an offer to direct a film adaptation of Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. Later, Forman learned that Michael’s father Kirk Douglas had already sent the same offer to him in the 1960’s. It was probably confiscated by the secret police, because it never got to Forman. Nonetheless, the film One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest  was a huge blockbuster and received Academy Awards in all the main categories.


  1. 'Most colourful film made up to that point...'? Really? Wizard of Oz was made 18/19 years before this and is just as colourful, if not more so! Don't make sweeping statements when you can't justify them.

    Can you please just explain why you conducted this work and what you learnt from it?

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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