workbook pg 43-50

Similarities between New Hollywood Era and Golden Age of Cinema:
Both influenced by New Hollywood which had a goal of showing realism trough the film.

OFOTCN does not meet the average idea of a narrative, it has few goals and no large point of climax.
Apart from chiefs escape, there is no clear new equilibrium apart from the new mindset from the patients after Mcmurphy's arrival. There is a clear protagonist and antagonist - Mcmucphy and Ratchett respectively.
The film has strong realism and therefore reflects new hollywood.
Both films have repeated scenes such as driving in Vertigo and meetings in OFOTCN to reflect the changes that have happened till then in the movie.
Foreman uses similar opening and closing shots to the same music to reflect the change that has happened in the film and to show that places like the Hospital really exist.


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