
Indiewood films are movies which take a different approach in production from the mainstream blockbuster movies. They also give the audiences new thoughts and feelings which dont tend to occur from a studio film. 
Indiewood rose when movies had started becoming obvious and repetitive in Hollywood. People stopped wanting to go and see the same films which the studios invested so much money in. Instead, new film makers with their own approaches began to make films with large risks and on low budgets. The experimental films shocked audiences much more than studio films. They were unique and entertaining in new ways. 
Prior to this, very hard for indie films to be released.
Created first then distributed.
Independent are popularised by film festivals.
This way the films were created first and then after being shown in film festivals, critics could review them and people would go and watch films based on reviews instead of based in which films the studios wanted you to see.
The films often made viewers feel uncomfortable or shocked.
Independent film makers used little to no famous actors.
They also used realism frequently due to there being less available unnatural lighting tools and sets. This helped as audiences enjoyed the sense of realism they didnt feel with prior movies.
Studios began to hire Indiewood film makers taking new risks they hadnt taken before. A new generation of film makers became popularised and with them opportunities for film makers to make themselves successful on their own - this in itself created all sorts of originality in the industry.


  1. This needs much more detail. Research indiewood independently. Why was this important for you to know when studying Pulp Fiction?


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