Pulp Fiction PLAN

Explore how far your chosen film or films are experimental in challenging conventional approaches to narrative.

P1: What is a conventional narrative.  A conventional narrative has a linear structure. They go through the story showing only key events in the order which they happen in the narrative.
PF is not conventional due to its circular narrative structure. Circular narrative structures may start at the end of the film as does Pulp Fiction. This was experimental at the time for a film but Tarantino often created films to work more similar to a novel hence the chapters. Likes to keep the audience confused to make sure they stay interested through complexity. The strange order of the narrative keeps us interested in each of the 3 sub stories taking place all at once. 

P2:  In terms of the narrative of the story, conventional is beginning middle end with a build up to the climax. Pulp Fiction differs due to multiple climaxes and different stories merged together. Amplified by the change in perspective of the film.   

Will need to go over a second point with you at some point. I feel like what I have is just an extension of my first point. Thanks


  1. Can this be more detailed. Explain each point. 20 mark question should have roughly ten points with explanation as a very rough guide. This doesn't have ten lines...

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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