Coursework ideas

1 Thriller
man walks around apartment referencing the dead person in bathroom
insults the person repetitively
knocks on the front door from police.
man kills himself in bathroom and is the person he was referencing earlier.
Blood FX would be difficult however I know people who specialise so this could be overcome.
It would be a large struggle to show the man become the previous dead body as we would need FX for him to be in the shot twice.
Having only one actor would make creation more simple and allow scheduling of reshoots to be more flexible. A script with 4 minutes of pure dialogue would be difficult to write.
For steady handheld shots following the main character a device would be needed to steady the camera.

Main idea:
laptop opens.
Messenger chat opens.
Online conversation between two children who consider themselves to be in a relationship. Around 14/15 years old.
We hear what they type but don't see either.
We see the boy say "you're the only girl i speak to" as snapchat opens and is used to speak to other girls.
Speak about meeting up.
We see stacks of early secondary school books.
We find out the boy is an old man typing as the voice changes and we see the back of head.
We see him waiting for her in park.
Different old man sits on bench.
Two shot of both realising. Neither turn head
One states "not again"

Screen recording is simple and looks professional. 
Profiles for both characters would need to be made. 
Sensitive topic taken with humour would require extreme levels of caution when creating.
Actors will be less willing to play characters with such sinister characteristics.
 The wind in the park could have a large negative effect on the recording of sound.


  1. What are the pros and cons of these ideas? What would be the difficulty in filming them? Where could you film? Remember, you have to make this. Think about how you would go about making this.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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