Winner treatment

Jacob wakes up in the morning in his next to his wife and gives her a look of disgust.
A radio in the background states the lottery this morning is worth 50 millions pounds.
As he wakes up he makes a cup of coffee - being very precise with the amount of coffee he uses. He splits a sugar cube in half and then in half again before putting 3 of the 4 in the tea and saving the other quarter.
He goes to the front door in his shirt and tie but still hasn't put on his suit trousers.
Whilst brushing his teeth he flicks through the mail and opens one he doesn't recognise.
It says lottery on the front.
In large letters it reads: CONGRATULATIONS WINNER.
Jacob's face changes completely.
We see him slam the door in his wife face - leaving her with nothing but a suitcase.
Jacob orders an 'über exec' and is driven to work looking extremely scruffy in a brand new sports car instead of his regular old dull car.
He tips the driver a 50£ note.
Jacob walks into work very confidently and walks straight into his bosses office who looks offended and shocked.
Music plays and we cannot hear Jacob as we see him screaming aggressively at his boss.
Jacob buys countless packets of crisps and beers.
We only see the items being scanned.
Jacob sits at home on his couch with a beer and crisps.
He looks at the letter which is glowing in front of him.
He looks away and looks back instantly.
On the back of the letter it says '3£'.
Jacob sits on the couch shocked.

The Task was to make a treatment which outlines the main storyline of what takes place in the short film. One reason why most film creates write treatments is so they can give out their is as a pitch to show producers what their vision of the film is without just describing the story. While I was not showing any producers my short film treatment I utilised it as a method of gaining suggestions and hearing peoples opinions on the idea. Initially I had 3 short treatments of which most opinions lead towards my decisions to further with the creation of Winner.
I learnt from this task to think past the basic story but about each section which will be in the story. This means going from a one sentence explanation of what happens to putting into writing each event which will take place. From this I learnt to picture what I want the film to look like as a whole.
One important thing the treatment helps with is separating scenes which I'd ideally like to put in which would not be possible from the scenes which I can begin to think about how to put them onto film.
The treatment helps me to notice whats missing from the narrative in order to drive the story forward and make it clear of what is happening. It also helps me towards building a script and looking at each scene which will take place. 


  1. Hi Jonathan,

    Please can you make sure that you add copies of your shot by shot, storyboard and script to your blog also.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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